Show Your Work! (Book Summary, Notes, Key Lessons) – Austin Kleon

Another day, I was watching a video by Ali Abdaal where he gave a life-changing rating to this particular book named Show Your Work. So I decided to check it out. And, as they say, the rest is history.

Key Lessons from the book

  • Keep sharing the stuff that you want to teach others, people will naturally find you
  • Sharing doesn’t give birth to competition instead you’ll learn more about the topic.
  • Don’t wait until you know who you are to start sharing your work.
  • Use trolls to become immune to criticism

More Interesting things;

The internet is a better place with links: Don’t fear them. These means give attribution to the things you are influenced by to share that piece of content, It’ll help your readers to discover more things.

Enjoy the Journey: As Gary Vaynerchuk says, Enjoy the journey not the goal. This is the same mentality Austin shared in this book. He says you should take people behind the scenes to show them how you did it!

Get your domain: Go ahead purchase a domain in your name. Like I’ve Austin is having The main goal is to build your private community because social media platforms come and go!

Btw, My buddy Ryan Biddulph talks a lot about this concept. You can check out his work here and in this video.

Will this help another person: If you’re sharing a piece of content, give it a thought will it help one another guy on the internet. If the answer is yes press that post button. Still confused, Come back to your work after one day.

Never ever quit: Keep putting in the efforts until you make it

You can check out this book here (Affiliate Link which means I’ll receive a small commission after you purchase this book)

Btw, I’ve added Show your work into my life-changing book’s category. If you’re interested in that post you can check here.

2 thoughts on “Show Your Work! (Book Summary, Notes, Key Lessons) – Austin Kleon”

  1. Hi Shehraj,

    Thanks for the shoutout bro! Super note on links. Drop ’em to give credit. Austin and Gary share wisdom and once again, social media does come and go so do not give it any palpable reality in terms of love, hate, rejection, approval….just be happy with being truly helpful and life will not only feel fun, it can yield great worldly success for you.



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